Conventional Psoriasis Treatments
Although Psoriasis is acknowledged to be an ‘incurable’ skin condition, there are a wide variety of treatments available to help alleviate the symptoms. Common conventional treatments for Psoriasis tend to be associated with adverse side effects.
For example, Corticosteroids can be absorbed through the skin and affect a person’s whole body, including their internal organs. This happens if a topical steroid is grossly misused, i.e., applied to widespread areas of skin, used over long periods of time, or with improper occlusion of potent steroids. For this reason, a doctor or dermatologist will generally want to monitor the use of topical steroids.
Possible side effects associated with chronic and prolonged use of topical corticosteroids include skin atrophy, stretch marks and red spots. Rarely, heavy long-term use can cause a suppression of the adrenal glands. Additionally, resistance can develop if steroids are used over an extended period of time.
The following warning on the potential risks of two popular steriod-based topical applications Elidel and Protopic can be found on the website of the U.S FDA at:
Another Psoriasis treatment Topical Tazaroteneis a selective retinoid with properties that are similar to vitamin A. However, side effects include redness and burning. It should not be used in women who wish to become pregnant.
Coal Tar is safer than corticosteroids, but it is not used as often because it has limited effectiveness, it irritates the skin, and has an unpleasant odor and can stain skin and clothing. Tars are made from the distillation of coal and wood. A News Flash dated January 2002 warned about the continued use of coal tar products: “It may be more difficult to find OTC tar medications in California, due to state guidelines regarding tar. As of January 2002, OTC coal tar shampoos, lotions and creams that contain more than 0.5% coal tar are required to be labeled with cancer warnings.”
The Psoriasis Treatment Anthralin should be used with caution: the following is what the National Psoriasis Foundation has to say about Anthralin at
Anthralin has a long history as a relatively safe treatment for psoriasis, but it can also be messy to use, as it tends to stain anything it touches–skin, clothing, bedding and bathroom fixtures, for example. Different regimens and formulations of anthralin may make the medication easier for patients to use at home.
Side effects of anthralin include:
Irritation and discoloration of the skin that is not affected by psoriasis. (Take care to apply the product only to the skin affected by psoriasis, not to normal skin.)
A purple-brown stain on the skin. The discolored skin may go away within 3 weeks after you stop using the drug.
A deep red-brown color of the skin, which develops from the inflammation of psoriasis. It may take weeks or months to go away.
In addition (as an added bonus), anthralin may permanently stain fabrics, showers, countertops, sinks, and other materials.
A more common Psoriasis Treatment is PUVA treatment (pronounced “poova”). PUVA (Psoralen UVA) combines UVA exposure with a photosensitizing agent, taken internally or as a bath. The photosensitizing agent allows for a lower dose of UVA. PUVA treatments can be highly effective, but recent studies strongly suggest it poses A THREAT OF SKIN DAMAGE AND CANCER.
The following list of the side effects associated with PUVA can be found on the website of the NPF at
The list goes on and on, down to Methotrexate which is a ‘last resort’ treatment usually reserved for very severe cases of Psoriasis. Methotrexate is a Psoriasis treatment taken by pill, liquid or injection – which suppresses the immune system just enough to control the psoriasis……….. Patients taking methotrexate must be closely monitored because this drug can cause liver damage or damage the blood producing bone marrow. Alcoholics and patients with long-term medical problems cannot take this drug.
Methotrexate should not be used in pregnancy, as it can be toxic to the embryo and can cause fetal defects and spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). It should be discontinued prior to conception if used in either partner. Male patients should stop taking methotrexate at least 3 months prior to a planned conception and females should discontinue use for at least one ovulatory cycle before conception.
SIDE EFFECTS: The most frequent reactions include mouth sores, stomach upset, and low white blood counts and it can cause severe toxicity of the liver and bone marrow, which require regular monitoring with blood testing. It can also cause headache and drowsiness, itching, skin rash, dizziness, and hair loss.
This information is given in good faith and for information purposes only. No liability is accepted for any inaccuracies that may be present. It is recommended that you consult a health professional about any medicines or treatments that you may be prescribed.
The safe alternative – Psoriasis Treatments
Safe alternative treatments for Psoriasis include M-Folia – which simply uses a special plant extract (Mahonia aquifolium) shown to contain very potent alkaloids and constituents that promote healthy skin. For more information on M-Folia Psoriasis Treatment
The other Psoriasis Treatment considered very safe is UVB Light Treatment which uses a gentle UV spectrum that helps Psoriasis without the intensity of PUVA treatment. For more information UV Light Treatment for Psoriasis