Alkaline Water – the missing link for Psoriasis & Eczema
Psoriasis – a missing link? X2O – a new discovery for psoriasis?
At Taylor Jackson, we continue to search for additional breakthroughs that may help fellow psoriasis sufferers. and I think that we have found one – the acid/alkaline balance in our bodies – or our pH!
I first stumbled across this when looking at a new product that provides all minerals and trace elements (electrolytes) and it ALSO alkalises the body.
This made good sense to me because it is well known that stress (amongst other things) CAUSES acidity and stress is related to psoriasis. My first thoughts were to go to the foremost medical textbook written by Arthur C Guyton…
Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., is probably the most recognized author on human physiology states in his “Textbook of Medical Physiology” used in virtually all US Medical schools:
“The first steps in maintaining health is to alkalize the body (pH or acid/alkaline balance). This is one of the most important aspects of Homeostasis. Changes in pH alter virtually all body functions.”
Definition: pH is how acidic or alkaline a substance is.
0 – Acid / 7 – Neutral / 14 – Alkaline
Blood pH: 7.4 – Normal Health / 7.2 or lower – Death
“The cells of a healthy body are alkaline while the cells of a diseased body are below a pH of 7.0. The more acidic the cell, the sicker we become. If the body can not alkalize the cells they will become acidic and thus, disease sets in. Most cells will die in the 3.5 pH range. Our bodies produce acid as a bi-product of normal metabolism. Since our bodies do not manufacture alkalinity, we must supply the alkalinity from an outside source to keep us from becoming acidic and dying.”
I then discovered that fungi, viruses and many harmful bacteria CANNOT survive in an alkaline environment. Psoriasis, as we all know, behaves in the same way as a fungi and virus, growing from small spots (spores) and building into larger lesions. Psoriasis is also known to be triggered by viruses and bacterial infections. I thought I may be on to something.
According to a Dr Kalin, ‘While there’s no cure as yet (editor -for Psoriasis), you can control psoriasis and lessen its impact on your life. Your doctor has probably told you about tar shampoos and ultraviolet light treatments, but the blinkered approach of conventional medicine has missed a vital part of the puzzle – the acid/alkaline balance in your body. In other words, your pH.’
He goes on to say:
Avoid certain foods. “Some anecdotal reports suggest patients do better when they reduce or eliminate tomatoes and tomato-based dishes–possibly because of high acidity levels,” says Dr. Kalin. “Also, some of my patients with psoriasis have noticed a decrease in plaques by avoiding or limiting their intake of pork products and other fatty meats as well as caffeine.”
These are just a few of my findings – the internet is literally full of the same. The answers were all out there – all we had to do was ask (the search engines) the right question!
Control your body’s pH through your diet – Download your FREE pH foodlist here
In addition to your diet, Xtreme X20 helps to mineralise and alkalise the body. I have been using it myself now for two months and it has been fantastic, not just for my skin but for my energy and general well-being.
It is called ‘Xtreme X2O’ and has been shown, in independent research to be over 500x MORE effective at restoring alkalinity in the body than its nearest competitor and provides all of the essential IONIC minerals and trace elements that your body needs.
It is NOT a tablet or a capsule. It is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 100% natural. It is tasteless and just needs to be added to water. It is suitable for ANYONE of ANY age – even children.
We have received a number of requests from customers asking if they can purchase Xtreme X20 from us rather than direct from the manufacturers in the USA. If you would like to order Xtreme x20, you can purchase below. The cost for 5 sachets (each containing 6 bags) – 30 day supply – is £23 plus P & P however existing customers can apply the following code to obtain a 10% discount – CD710
For more information Xtreme X20 Alkaline Ionised Mineralised water. Buy TODAY for £24.95 for one month’s supply