Safe Shopping Guarantee

The Taylor Jackson Safe Shopping Guarantee protects you while you shop on any of our websites, so that you never have to worry about credit card safety. That’s guaranteed.

We guarantee that every transaction you make at will be safe. This means you pay nothing if unauthorized charges are made to your card as a result of shopping with us.

Why are Taylor Jackson websites so safe?

Safety in Numbers: When you shop at an Taylor Jackson Website, you’ll be one of the thousands of customers who have safely shopped with us without credit card fraud.
Safe Technology: Our Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure online commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information, including credit card number, name, and address, so that it cannot be read as the information travels over the Internet.
Safe Shopping Guarantee

The purchase area of our site is secure. This means that any information you send us is protected by encryption. It’s easy to tell when you are protected by encryption — the lock or key at the bottom of your browser changes color or is no longer broken. This varies depending on your browser.

Shopping with us is safe.

Credit card fraud is virtually nonexistent on the Internet. If you experience fraudulent use of your credit card as a result of shopping with the Taylor Jackson, notify your credit card company in accordance with its reporting rules and procedures. Most companies will either cover all of the fraudulent purchases or hold you liable for a maximum of £50.

Should your credit card company discover credit card fraud and hold you liable for some portion of the unauthorized charges, there is no need to worry. Provided the purchase was made through our secure server, the Taylor Jackson will reimburse you for the maximum liability of £50. This is standard practice on the Internet, and just part of the reason why people prefer shopping with us.
You can always order by telephone. Call us on +44 207 193 8406. No matter how you place your order with us, we want you to have a buying experience beyond your expectations.









