Psoriasis Testimonial – Paige

Dear Mr Jackson

I recently purchased some M-folia MILD tablets for my eight year old daughter Paige. She was diagnosed seven weeks ago with Phyrosis which completely covered her stomach and back and had several other patches on her arms and legs.

Paige & her baby sister
Paige & her baby sister Tayla

Our GP gave me hydrocortisone cream 2.5% mm and a coal tar bath lotion (which Paige hated using because of the strong smell). We spent two weeks using the GP’s cream and lotion, it had no good results at all, in fact Paige complained that her skin was sore, which it hadn’t been before the use of the cream.

I contacted your company, due to a family friend, who lives in Portugal that has been a 20 year sufferer of Psoriasis and she had given me some general information about your products. I decided to give them a try, as at this stage Paige was becoming upset about her appearance.

On contacting your company I found your staff so helpful and they made me feel so comfortable talking to them. My own GP had made me feel that Paige had got this disorder due to being stressed out and the fact that I had recently had a new baby and things in her life had changed so much and that it was why she had it.

Paige is not a stressed child, in fact she is quite the opposite, she is an average eight year old who does sometimes get upset but not to the extent that the GP suggested. I felt terrible, your staff explained exactly what Phyrosis was and that it wasn’t always due to stress, although stress may cause it to flare up.

She made me feel totally confident that her symptoms were not due to her home life and she made me have a completely new look on Phyrosis. Even without the product I felt more able to cope with Paige and her condition.

We ordered M-folia cream and some M-folia tablets recommended by the lady. We had a long conversation about your products and which would suit Paige best.

Paige has now been using M-folia for several weeks and I can’t begin to explain how amazed I am at the results. Her stomach is completely clear, completely, you can’t even see where it was, her back is also clear all but one small patch and she has a couple of smaller patches left on her arm, but they are isolated spots.

I and Paige are so impressed with your product that we have recommended it to several friends and family, that we know are sufferers like Paige. Paige also has a small amount of eczema which the cream has also helped a lot.

I would like to say a very big “thank you” to you and all your very helpful staff. Your product I can honestly say has changed both mine and Paige’s life. She is no longer worried about showing her tummy, which I am glad about as we are going on holiday soon, and I feel I understand more about her condition and we are both very happy with the product.

Thank you again, although thank you doesn’t seem enough to say.

Before I go I would just like to add that my newest child is named Tayla, so that I can never forget your company’s name (Tayla Jackson). So when recommending you I just look at my daughter and remember your name.

H Jackson


Note: This testimonial was unsolicited and the neither the customer of members of her family are not related or known (other than as a customer) to anyone at Taylor Jackson Health Products